Sunday, March 8, 2009

Las rayitas

I took a pregnancy test yesterday. I thought I could see a little light blue vertical shadow... I called Husband, and he saw it, too. So I wasn't imagining it. I took another one this morning. It was still there, a little darker today. We don't want to get too happy until we see the doctor... Since I had an appointment for Tuesday to check the thyroid thing, I think I will keep it and see her then. I have been kind of tired and super thirsty the last week, the first symptoms I remember from my first pregnancy. But I also have abdominal pain, and I don't remember that. So, although I'm inclined to climb again to my pink cloud, I'm going to try to wait until we know everything is fine for sure. Meanwhile, I send positive energy ad love to the little seed... I have to admit I'm happy. And a little bit scared.

1 comment:

SweetSpikette said...

a line is a line is a line!

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